Cross-layer Resilience for Rack-scale Disaggregated Memory

The rapid rise in social connectivity and e-commerce requires increasing computer memory to store and process larger amounts of data with low latency. But more computer memory means more memory errors, which can disrupt service availability and cause data loss. In this context, SHEPHERD investigates cross-layer memory resilience techniques where software and hardware work together to prevent service unavailability and data loss due to memory errors in disaggregated memory with low overhead.



  1. IISWC
    Taming Performance Variability caused by Client-Side Hardware Configuration
    Georgia Antoniou, Haris Volos, and Yiannakis Sazeides
    In IISWC ’24: Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization 2024


  1. CAL
    The Case for Replication-Aware Memory-Error Protection in Disaggregated Memory
    Volos, Haris
    IEEE Computer Architecture Letters 2021

Funding info

Grant agreement ID: 101029391
Start date: 1 September 2021
End date: 30 December 2024
Funded under: H2020-EU.1.3.2.
Coordinated by: University of Cyprus