Georgia Antoniou

Georgia Antoniou

Georgia Antoniou

Department of Computer Science
1 Panepistimou Avenue
Aglantzia, Nicosia 2109, Cyprus

I am a PhD student at the University of Cyprus working under the supervision of Professors Yiannakis Sazeides and Haris Volos. My main research focus is power management architectures, but I have also worked in the area of workload characterization, accurate analysis/measurements, automatic stress-test generation and PDN voltage noise.


  1. IISWC
    Taming Performance Variability caused by Client-Side Hardware Configuration
    Georgia Antoniou, Haris Volos, and Yiannakis Sazeides
    In IISWC ’24: Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization 2024
  2. TACO
    Agile C-states: A Core C-state Architecture for Latency Critical Applications Optimizing both Transition and Cold-Start Latency
    Georgia Antoniou, Davide B. Bartolini, Haris Volos, Marios Kleanthous, Zhe Wang, Kleovoulos Kalaitzidis, Tom Rollet, Ziwei Li, Onur Mutlu, Yiannakis Sazeides, and Jawad Haj-Yahya
    ACM Transactions on Computer Architecture and Code Optimization 2024
  3. MICRO
    AgileWatts: An Energy-Efficient CPU Core Idle-State Architecture for Latency-Sensitive Server Applications
    Jawad Haj-Yahya, Haris Volos, Davide B. Bartolini, Georgia Antoniou, Jeremie S. Kim, Zhe Wang, Kleovoulos Kalaitzidis, Tom Rollet, Zhirui Chen, Ye Geng, Onur Mutlu, and Yiannakis Sazeides
    In MICRO ’22: Proceedings of the 55th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture 2022
  4. MICRO
    AgilePkgC: An Agile System Idle State Architecture for Energy Proportional Datacenter Servers
    Georgia Antoniou, Haris Volos, Davide B. Bartolini, Tom Rollet, Yiannakis Sazeides, and Jawad Haj-Yahya
    In MICRO ’22: Proceedings of the 55th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture 2022